


全球市场比以往任何时候都更容易进入, 但这并不意味着国际电子商务运输很简单. 幸运的是, 通过仔细的计划和本指南的帮助, you can turn those international sales into a profitable and growing part of your business.

你将学会确定哪些市场适合你的产品, 选择一种运输方式, 像专业人士一样处理海关表格和费用.

Expanding beyond borders and reaching a global customer base eager for what you offer has undeniable appeal. 的潜在回报 国际包裹递送 是巨大的.


  • 高效的国际航运: Planning and strategic decision-making are crucial for turning international sales into profitable growth.
  • 市场研究·分析网站数据, 衡量产品需求, and start with familiar territories to effectively target the right international markets.
  • 法规遵从性: Understand each country’s import regulations and restrictions to avoid delays and additional costs.
  • 战略定价保持透明度,减少购物车被遗弃, 使用免运费门槛, carrier-calculated利率, 以及统一运费.
  • 优化bet36体育投注:专业的运输bet36体育投注,如SkyPostal提供高效率, 是运往拉丁美洲的经济有效的选择, 提高交货速度和客户满意度.


在一头扎进国际电子商务航运之前, 你必须为顺利过渡打下坚实的基础.  这个过程从一些必要的准备工作和战略决策开始.


根据Oberlo的说法在美国,世界上到处都是买家.全球有710亿在线购物者. 然而, 让国际电子商务航运物有所值, 把精力集中在正确的市场上是关键. 撒一张大网可能很诱人, but strategically choosing your target market can significantly impact your success.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you zero in on your ideal international market:

  1. 分析现有网站数据: 分析你网站的国际流量. 确定对你的产品感兴趣的地区. 考虑用本地化内容和购买选项瞄准这些市场.
  2. 评估产品需求和生存能力: 研究对你的产品类型有高需求的国际市场. 分析消费趋势和未满足的需求. 考虑目标市场的季节性和全年销售潜力.
  3. 从熟悉的领域开始: 从附近的市场或已有贸易协定的市场开始. 这简化了物流,并为成本和交货设定了现实的预期. 对你.S. 的企业, 向巴西扩张 提供宝贵的国际电子商务经验.


既然你有了目标市场,我们就来确保你的产品能在那里销售. This part is vital - neglecting to do so can result in shipments being held up in customs or returned, 导致延误, 挫折, 以及不必要的开支.

The first step involves carefully reviewing each country’s import regulations regarding the types of products permitted, 标签的要求, 以及任何必要的证明或许可. 您还需要确认某些物品不受限制. 

例如,将艺术品从美国运送到中国 巴西要求提供具体的文件并遵守海关规定,但这并不被禁止.

当运送艺术品到巴西, 确保你有详细的发票, 真品证书, 以及对艺术品的清晰描述. 关税和税收可根据申报价值征收, 所以适当的估价和文件是至关重要的.

考虑与专业的公司合作 运输到拉丁美洲国家. SkyPostal has spent decades building valuable relationships with these countries and can simplify the shipping process.


You might find some items that sell like hotcakes at home but aren’t the right fit for the international market, 尤其是在你刚刚开始的时候. 选择产品时要考虑的因素包括:

  • 运输成本
  • 产品耐用性
  • 当地需求
  • 和竞争

评估哪些产品具有最大的盈利潜力. 更小、更轻的产品通常是一个很好的起点.

原因很简单:它们将运输成本降至最低.  As you become more familiar with the ins and outs of international e-commerce shipping, 你可以尝试加入更多的大号单品.

Always remember to package items carefully using durable, protective packaging materials. Proper packaging is non-negotiable to ensure your products reach their destination in pristine condition.


根据Baymard研究所的一项研究, nearly half of all shopping cart abandonments in 2024 stemmed from extra fees like shipping costs. 透明的定价对于赢得这些国际客户至关重要.  

让他们知道他们为每一步付出了什么. 出乎意料的运费肯定会让潜在客户跑掉.

When it comes to incorporating shipping costs, there are several popular strategies:

  • 免费送货. 为超过一定金额的订单提供免费送货,吸引更多的购买. 顾客喜欢他们买到便宜货的感觉, 提供免费送货服务会激励他们在购物车中添加更多内容, 最终使您和您的客户都受益.
  • 承运人计算运费. Shopify and other popular e-commerce platforms seamlessly integrate with renowned carriers like SkyPostal, providing real-time shipping costs based on package 重量 and destination during checkout. 虽然这可能意味着客户要承担运输成本的全部重量, 它提供了透明度并提供了最准确的定价, 确保你没有吸收不必要的运输成本.
  • 统一费率运输.  Consider this straightforward approach for its predictability and positive impact on the overall shopping experience, 增加购物车价值为您的业务. 同时便于客户理解, establishing a fair flat rate across various international destinations might involve more work, 主要是如果你的产品目录是多样化的. Once you determine a suitable rate for your product line, it streamlines shipping costs for everyone.

Remember, these options don't exist in isolation; they work best in harmony. 实施混合战略, 例如, combining free shipping thresholds with flat rate options for heavier or larger products, 迎合更广泛的客户群.  沟通你的国际运输政策, 方法, 前期成本, 因为这样做可以防止任何混乱并提高透明度.


EcomBalance is a leading provider of financial management and accounting services tailored specifically for eCommerce businesses. 专门帮助在线零售商简化他们的财务运作, EcomBalance提供包括簿记在内的全面bet36体育投注, 税务筹划, 以及财务报告. 他们的专业知识延伸到了亚马逊等平台, 易趣, 和Shopify, making them an ideal partner for eCommerce sellers looking to navigate the complexities of online sales and taxation.

注重准确性和效率, EcomBalance使企业能够保持清晰准确的财务记录, 优化他们的财务策略, 推动增长. 他们的服务旨在减轻财务管理的负担, 允许电商卖家将注意力转向海关等方面, 职责, 和税收.


国际运输需要应付复杂的海关手续, 职责, 和税收, 每个都对总成本有贡献. This step requires an understanding of Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU), more recently known as 到地交货(DAP)及完税后交货(DDP).

DDU/DAP让您的客户负责这些费用. 建立一个电子商务商人是比较简单的, 但你可能会因为送货时的额外费用而把顾客赶走. 提前计算这些费用, 你可以在网上使用一个可用的税收计算器工具.

与顺铂, 这些责任转移到了你身上, 在结账时预先计入任何额外的进口费用. 虽然这可以通过提供更大的价格确定性来吸引消费者, be mindful that these fees differ from country to country and involve additional legwork. You’ll need to familiarize yourself with each country's regulations and documentation and determine if it's right for your business.


International e-commerce shipping options range from established postal services to specialized carriers like SkyPostal. Understanding each method helps you find the one best suited for your e-Commerce business.

1. 邮政服务

邮政服务(e).g.(美国邮政、英国皇家邮政)为小型物品提供经济实惠的国际运输服务. They partner with local services globally but have longer transit times and size/重量 restrictions. 比较服务水平,考虑成本、交付时间和包裹限制.

2. 私人信使

Major couriers (DHL, FedEx, UPS) offer fast delivery, global reach, and advanced tracking. It is ideal for large, valuable, or time-sensitive shipments, especially to Europe and North America. 它更贵,但速度更快,可靠性更高, 适合大批量或优质电子商务业务.

3. 专业派递服务(香港邮政)

这就是专门的运输bet36体育投注发挥作用的地方. SkyPostal is recognized as a leading provider of services to Latin American markets. We offer an economical and efficient option for anyone selling within those regions, and it is becoming a more common choice for companies shipping small-to-medium parcels, 国际邮件, 还有广告邮件. 

SkyPostal可以将包裹从迈阿密运送到主要的拉丁美洲国家, 通常只有美国邮政的一半成本和两倍的速度, 这通常依赖于当地的邮政供应商.

我们递送包裹的速度很快,通常为公司节省7-20天的运输时间. bet36体育投注官网端到端跟踪, 旨在为商家和最后一英里的客户提供实时更新, 不会不受控制.

如果出了问题, you can 接触SkyPostal directly; our dedicated customer service team can handle customs forms and address any pending issues. 

SkyPostal赢得了许多电子商务卖家的信任, 使我们成为业内领先的供应商. 我们广泛的网络, 专有技术, 专业知识提供了更大的可视性, 控制, 提高出货效率. 

来决定它是否适合你, 比较和对比定价, 速度, and service level options for outbound deliveries and returns to maximize your partnership.



最便宜的选择通常是利用现有的邮政服务, 利用他们的经济bet36体育投注的打火机, 较小的包裹和包裹. 他们在有预算的情况下工作是最好的.


Private couriers like DHL Express are excellent for swift delivery and robust tracking for high-value or time-sensitive shipments. 也就是说, 确定最合适的位置取决于特定的要求,比如目的地, 航运频率, 预算的考虑, 以及更喜欢的交货速度.

SkyPostal在拉丁美洲脱颖而出. The optimal carrier for your e-commerce venture aligns with your unique shipping profile. Careful evaluation ensures you partner with the one that seamlessly complements your business goals.


国际运输费用取决于目的地国家, 包的尺寸, 重量, 选择运输方式. 从不同的承运人请求报价可以帮助您准确地估计您的成本.


SkyPostal可以与Shopify、ShipStation和Easyship等公司整合. These platforms streamline tasks such as label printing and customs documentation and provide various shipping options. 

Prioritizing key features for your e-commerce operations helps pinpoint the best international shipping platform. 进行彻底的研究,比较价格结构和可用功能. 在提交之前,寻找免费试用选项或演示版本进行探索.


Embracing the potential of international e-commerce shipping allows your business to tap into the vast global market. 但就像任何冒险一样, 这需要研究, 战略思考, 以及成功驾驭动态景观的适应性.

与最bet36体育投注官网合作伙伴合作,将货物运往拉丁美洲国家, 接触SkyPostal 今天!